Hello Authors! And welcome to Annessa Ink!
You are absolutely going to love all that we have to offer. By publishing with Annessa Ink, you will get the satisfaction and confidence that your work–your baby–is going to be published beautifully and available on all major retailers All you will need to is help out with the marketing (we’ll be doing some, but you can never do too much!), write a few posts here and there to tell readers about your latest release, and maybe join in the fun on our Facebook page.
Every week, on this blog you will find articles written (mostly, although not entirely) by Merry. She’ll be covering writing craft, accountability, editing, great writing books, writing software, and anything else writing related that you’d like to see here (don’t hesitate to drop her a line to tell her what you’d like to read about).
So, we encourage you to sign up for this blog or our newsletter (where you can tell us whether you’d like to receive our reader posts, writer’s posts, or both). And please, don’t forget to tell all your writer friends about Annessa Ink–we’re just starting out, as you know, and need all the word-of-mouth help we can get!