
What if I have an idea I love, but don’t know if you’ll like it and don’t want to start writing until I’m sure?

Go ahead and send us a brief description! We can’t offer a contract without a completed manuscript, but that doesn’t mean we won’t read a few paragraphs or even a synopsis and the first three chapters of an idea to decide if it’s something we’d like to pursue.

Do I need an agent to submit to Turn the Page?

Not at all. If you have one, we’ll be happy to work with her/him on your behalf, but unagented submissions are just as welcome and given the same consideration as agented ones.

What’s the worst that can happen?

We say no. That is literally the very worst thing that can happen if you submit to Turn the Page Publishing. (And just because we might say no doesn’t mean another editor at another publisher won’t love your story.) Even if we like your story and offer a contract, nothing is final or legally binding until you sign, so if there’s anything you don’t like before that happens, you have the option to change your mind.

What if I’m writing something not mentioned on your Submission Guidelines page?

(i.e. Christian Romance or Erotica) Keeping in mind that we are primarily a Romance Publisher, our guidelines don’t necessarily mention every single type of Romance you might be writing. So drop us a line about your project and where you feel it falls on the Romance spectrum, and we’ll let you know what we think. Who knows…maybe you’ll end up creating a brand new sub-genre. 😉

What if I submit to one editor, but end up hearing back from another?

First of all, don’t panic! Our editors stay in close contact and discuss submissions in detail with one another. Getting a response from an editor you didn’t submit to simply means that the original editor thought another editor might appreciate your story more. Everyone has her own preferences when it comes to time periods, settings, heat levels, and even writing style, so it’s actually a good thing that the entire Turn the Page team gets involved!

What if I submit a story that you reject, but later see something in your Submission Guidelines or an Open Submissions post that I think the same story would fit?

This is always going to be a judgment call, as it might depend on why we turned down your project in the first place. But generally speaking, if you believe we might like your manuscript, even though it’s been turned down before, send it again. Things change; what we weren’t looking for a year ago might be all the rage now. PLEASE let us know it’s a re-submission in your cover letter, though. Honesty is the best policy, and it won’t affect our second review, we promise. 😉

If I want to reissue my previous books with Turn the Page, will you edit them as though they’re new releases?

Since previously published books have already been through the editing process, we don’t see a need to put you through all of that work again. However, we will probably do a quick review and of course the proofreading and polishing steps, just to be sure your book is in the very best shape possible before release. And if you want to rework your story…update or rewrite it at all…we will be happy to work with you on that. (PLEASE NOTE: We are absolutely open to reissuing previously published works, but you MUST have the legal rights to them before that can happen. If you have questions about how to get your rights back from a previous publisher, please let us know; maybe we can help.)

How much do you pay?

There are certain things that won’t be discussed until we make an offer, but while we aren’t currently giving advances, we are offering a 40% royalty.

How can I get Turn the Page promotional items to share with my writing friends/groups?

Just ask! E-mail info@TurnThePagePub.com with a note telling us what you need promotional items for (it could impact the kind of goodies we send) and how many you think you can use. Be sure to include your mailing address so we can ship them to you! And if you know of a Writing conference or Readers gathering coming up where they accept freebies for their Goody Bags or a Promo Table, please let us know about it! We’d love to send enough TTP items for everyone!

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